Curriculum Vitae

PhD, MSc, MD
Full name: Margaritis V. Eleftherios
Date of Birth: 06/09/1977
Address: office: 60 Agoniston Stratopedou Haidariou Street, Haidari
home: 5A St. George Street, Haidari,
P.O. 12461, Athens, GreeceTel. Numbers: (+30) 6945312234, (+30) 2167001939, (+30) 2105822213
E-mail: ,
Marital status: Married (3 children)
2013 Diplomat: ultrasound on head and neck
2012 Board Certification in Otolaryngology, Hellenic Board in Otolaryngology
2010 PhD, Doctorate in Medicine, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
2009 MSc in Management of Health Services, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
2006 Basic life support (BLS)
Advance trauma life support (ATLS)2003 MD, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
2012 – present ENT office, 60 Agoniston Stratopedou Haidariou Street, Haidari
Collaborator in Otolaryngology, A’ ENT Department,
Hippokration University Hospital, Athens2013- present ENT doctor at REA hospital
2014-present Doctor of utility network strain in programme “Development and function of National Network of Catholic control for early diagnosis, treatment and epidemiological recording of neonatal hearing impairment” with code MIS 446795, of European Social Fund and National Resources
2015-present Consultant at pediatric ENT department- Pediatric Athens Medical Centre
2011 Fellowship in Rhinology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam
2009 – 2012 Resident in Otolaryngology, A’ ENT Department,
Hippokration University Hospital, Athens2008 – 2009 Resident in Otolaryngology, Children Hospital “A. & P. Kyriakou”, Athens
2006 – 2007 Otolaryngology department, General Hospital of Ierapetra, Crete
2006-2007 Resident in General Surgery, General Hospital of Ierapetra, Crete
2011-2014 Doctor of National Health Operation Center
2012-2013 Doctor of health insurance and pension fund
2007-2008 Army Medical Doctor
2005-2006 Experimental Laboratory of Surgery and Surgical Research “N.Christeas”, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
2004-2005 Doctor of Medical Centre of Lidoriki-Athanasios Diakos
2003-2004 Laboratory of study and report of retrovirus, Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Pythagoras II – Research Teams Aid in Universities” (code 70/37966).
Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs – European Social Fund National Funds.
[Special Operational Programme Management Service Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK II)].
Experimental Laboratory of Surgery and Surgical Research “N.Christeas”
School of Medicine, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Title Research “Study of the effect of L-Arginine, L-NAME and ALLOPURINOL during the development of experimental acute enteric ischemia- reperfusion in rats. Experimental study. ”BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCH PROJECTS
• Quality of life in rhinology patients
• Study of genetic factors in sinus and paranasal tumors
• Correlation between clinical and pathological diagnosis of benign lesions of larynx
• Microbiology of peritonsillar abscess in Greece
• Vestibular rehabilitation in dizzy patientACADEMIC SOCIETIES MEMBERSHIP
1. Hellenic Association of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
2. European Rhinology Society
3. Hellenic Association of Rhinology
4. Hellenic Red Cross
5. Hellenic Doctors’ AssociationTHESES
1. “Study of factors of oxidative stress in experimental intestinal ischemia/ reperfusion”
Doctorate in Medicine, 2010
Experimental Laboratory of Surgery and Surgical Research “N.Christeas”
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Professor Perrea D)2. “Statistical study of parents’ satisfaction in outpatient pediatric ENT clinic”
MSc, 2009
Management of Health Services, National & Kapodistrian University of AthensBOOK CHAPTERS
• Wytske Fokkens, Lefteris Margaritis “chapter 5: Pre-ESS medical therapy”
In: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Optimizing outcomes and avoiding failures.
Edited by Rodney J. Schlosser and Richard J. Harvey (2011)• “Tonsillitis- guidelines update 2012-2013-2014-2015-2016”
Georgalas C, Margaritis E.
BMJ Point of Care/Best Practice (2016)REVIEWER
• Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
1. “Cartilage tympanoplasty:a reliable technique for smokers”
Kirodimos E, Stamatiou G, Margaritis E, Kikidis D, Athanasiadis-Sismanis A
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Feb;271(2):255-602. “Exceeding parents’ expectations in Εar-Νose-Τhroat (ENT) outpatient facilities: The development and analysis of a questionnaire”
Margaritis E, Katharaki M, Katharaki G
Eval Program Plann. 2012 May;35(2):246-553. “Study of factors influencing parental satisfaction in an Ear-Nose-Throat pediatric outpatient clinic”
Margaritis E, Katharaki M, Tsakanikos M
Hellenic Otolaryngology-Head and Neck surgery 2011 Oct-Nov; 32 (4): 229-2364. “Use of chloral hydrate as a sedative for auditory brainstem responses (ABR) testing in a paediatric population”
Avlonitou E, Balatsouras D, Margaritis E, Giannakopoulos P, Douniadakis D, Tsakanikos M.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2011 Jun;75(6):760-3. Epub 2011 Apr 295. “Effects of Oral Administration of (L)-Arginine, (L)-NAME and allopurinol on intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats” Margaritis EV, Yanni AE, Agrogiannis G, Liarakos N, Pantopoulou A, Vlachos I, Papachristodoulou A, Korkolopoulou P, Patsouris E, Kostakis M, Perrea DN, Kostakis A.
Life Sci. 2011 Jun 6; 88(23-24):1070-66. “Use of chloral hydrate as a sedative for auditory brainstem responses (ABR) testing in a paediatric population”
Avlonitou E, Margaritis E, Psarommatis I, Douniadakis D, Tsakanikos M
Hellenic Otolaryngology-Head and Neck surgery 2010 Jan-Mar; 31 (1): 24-287. “The age of diagnosis and intervention of congenital hearing loss
in the greek pediatric population”
Avlonitou I, Basiliou A, Margaritis E, Psarommatis I, Ntouniadakis D, Tsakanikos M
Hellenic Otolaryngology-Head and Neck surgery 2009; Vol 30 (1): 16-198. “Time – dependent alteration in serum NO concentration after oral administration of L-arginine, L-NAME and allopurinol in intestinal ischemia/reperfusion”
Yanni AE, Margaritis E, Liarakos N, Pantopoulou A, Poulakou M, Kostakis M, Perrea D, Kostakis A.
Vasc Health Risk Manag 2008 April; 4(2): 437–4419. “ Correlation between vessels’ calcinosis in mammography and systemic vascular disease”
Mantas D, Markopoulos C, Revenas K, Tzonou A, Margaritis E, Liapis C, Kostakis A
“Iatriki” April 2003; 83 (4): 338-343PRESENTATIONS
1. “Gastrointestinal stromatic tumors”
G. Ksanthopoulou, K. Moulakakis, I. Stamoulis, Z. Antonopoulou, G. Tsourouflis, S. Makris, I. Bellos, E. Margaritis, G. Karatzas, A. Kostakis
29th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2003, Athens2. “Appendix carcinoid tumors”
K. Moulakakis, D. Dimitroulis, G. Tsourouflis, S. Makris, G. Ksanthopoulou, I. Bellos, E. Margaritis, I. Delladetsima, L. Kontzoglou, A. Kostakis
29th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2003, Athens3. “Post renal transplantation diabetes is associated with donor’s HLA-DR4 genotype”
I. Konstantinidou, E. Stamataki, E. Margaritis ,A. Margoni, A. Kostakis, ChP Stathakis, JN Boletis
BANTAO (Balcan Association of Nefrology Dialysis, Transplantation Artificial Organs) Barna October 20034. “HCV infection acquired after renal transplantation (RT):a progressive disease”
I. Delladetsima, M. Psichogiou ,V. Sypsa, E. Psimenou, E.Margaritis, A Kostakis , A. Xatzakis, NJ Boletis
BANTAO (Balcan Association of Nefrology Dialysis, Transplantation, Artificial Organs) Barna October 20035. “Oxidative stress in intestinal ischemia/ reperfusion in rats”
E. Margaritis,N. Liarakos,N. Nikiteas,A. Pantopoulou,M. Poulakou,D. Perrea,A. Kostakis
31th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2005, Athens6. “Study of the factors of oxidative stress in experimental intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injury”
E. Margaritis,N. Liarakos,N. Nikiteas,A. Pantopoulou,M. Poulakou,D. Perrea,A. Kostakis
40th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR) , Turkey May 20057. “ Total peroxidase capacity in experimental model of intestinal ischemia reperfusion”
E. Margaritis, N. Liarakos, A. Pantopoulou, M. Poulakou, S. Adamis, N. Nikiteas, D. Perrea, A. Kostakis
1st Hellenic Congress & International Symposium of Greek Surgeons College, Mar 20068. “Total peroxidase capacity and catalase after L-Arginine administration in intestinal ischemia reperfusion”
E. Margaritis,N. Liarakos,A. Pantopoulou,S. Adamis,M. Poulakou D. Perrea, A. Kostakis
32th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2006, Athens9. “Autopalpation- cninical examination- mammography- early diagnosis of breast cancer”
G. Karagiannis, H. Papadakis, T. Karagiouzis, I. Papadakis, G. Nikoletakis, A. Nikolaraki, E. Foudoulakis, E. Margaritis, A. Mamantopoulos
13th Cretan Medical Congress 200610. “ Up-to-date treatment of legs’ ulcers”
H. Papadakis, A. Mamantopoulos, G. Karagiannis, H. Milona, M. Psaromichalaki, I. Papadakis, T. Karagiouzis, E. Foudoulakis, A. Nikolaraki, E. Margaritis
13th Cretan Medical Congress 200611. “Longo technique. Prone or lithotomy position”
Mamantopoulos, G. Karagiannis, H. Papadakis, H. Milona, S. Ellinikakis, I. Papadakis, T. Karagiouzis, E. Foudoulakis, A. Nikolaraki, E. Margaritis
13th Cretan Medical Congress 200612. “Traumatic rupture of diaphragm”
H. Papadakis, A. Mamantopoulos, G. Karagiannis, S. Ellinikakis, M. Psaromichalaki, I. Papadakis, T. Karagiouzis, E. Foudoulakis, A. Nikolaraki, E. Margaritis
13th Cretan Medical Congress 200613. “Study of catalase levels in experimental intestinal ischemia reperfusion in rats after administration of oxidative substrate L-NAME”
E. Margaritis, N. Liarakos, I. Vlachos, A. Pantopoulou, M. Poulakou, D. Mantas, M. Kostaki,A. Papachristodoulou, D. Perrea, A. Kostakis
33th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2007, Athens14. “Alterations of sICAM-1 in intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats after administration of Allopourinol ”
N. Liarakos, E. Margaritis, I. Vlachos, A. Pantopoulou, D. Mantas, M. Poulakou, M. Kostakis, N. Nikiteas, D. Perrea, A. Kostakis
33th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2007, Athens15. “Total Nitric Oxide and Catalase activity in intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats after administration of Allopourinol ”
E. Margaritis, N. Liarakos, A. Pantopoulou, M. Poulakou, D. Mantas, M. Kostaki,A. Papachristodoulou, D. Perrea, A. Kostakis
42th Congress of European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR), May, 2007, Holland16. “The alterations of ICAM-1 in the serum blood during intestinal ischemia reperfusion injury in rats”
N. Liarakos, E. Margaritis, M. Poulakou, A. Pantopoulou, D. Mantas, M. Kostaki, N. Nikiteas, D. Perrea, A. Kostakis
42th Congress of European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR), May, 2007, Holland17. “Pathoanatomical and immunohistohemical study of myelohyperoxidase in experimental model of ischemia-reperfusion”
E. Margaritis, G. Agrogiannis, N. Liarakos, I. Vlachos, A. Pantopoulou, A. Korkolopoulou, A. Papachristodoulou, D. Perrea, E. Patsouris, A. Kostakis
34th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2008, Athens18. “Use of chloral hydrate as a sedative for auditory brainstem responses testing”
Avlonitou I., Margaritis E., Bouzelos N., Kyrou Ch., Kostagianni G, Douniadakis D, Tsakanikos M.,
European conference on Pediatric anaesthesia, September 2008, Athens19. “Perioperative manipulation of an infant with type C trachea-esophagus fistula ”
Vasiliou, G. Nikolaidou, F. Davou, E. Margaritis, A. Radiotis
15th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Syrgery, October 2009, Athens20. “Sudden hearing loss and spontaneous nystagmous as initial presenting symptoms of demyelination”
Margaritis E., T. Bamvakidis, V. Papanikolaou. L. Manolopoulos
15th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Syrgery, October 2009, Athens21. “Migraine related dizziness-Our experience”
E. Margaritis, I. Thrasyvoulou, E. Kyrodimos, A. Sismanis
15th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Syrgery, October 2009, Athens22. “Study of factors of oxidative stress in experimental intestinal ischemia/ reperfusion after administration of L-Arginine, L-NAME, Allopourinol”
E. Margaritis, N. Liarakos, G. Agrogiannis, A. Pantopoulou, M. Poulakou, D. Perrea, E. Patsouris, A. Kostakis
36th Annual National Panhellenic Medical Congress, May 2010, Athens23. “Vestibular rehabilitation in dizzy patients with acoustic neuromas”
E. Margaritis, C. Nikitas, E. Kirodimos, A. Athanasiadis-Sismanis
28th Politzer Society Meeting, September 201124. “Cartilage tympanoplasty:a reliable technique for smokers”
Kirodimos E, Margaritis E, Kikidis D, Stamatiou G, Athanasiadis-Sismanis A
28th Politzer Society Meeting, September 201125. “ Recurrences of sinonasal inverted papilloma; correlation with surgical technique and staging systems”
E. Margaritis, C. Georgalas
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head & Nek Surgery, December 2011, Athens26. “ Epidemilogy and microbiology of peritonsillar abscesses in Greece”
D. Kikidis, E. Margaritis, V. Papanikolaou
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head & Nek Surgery, December 2011, Athens27. “ Study of companions’ satisfaction in an outpatient paediatric clinic”
E. Margaritis, M. Katharaki, G. Katharakis, A. Vasiliou, I. Psarommatis, M. Tsakanikos
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head & Nek Surgery, December 2011, Athens28. “ Dermoid cyst of mouth floor”
E. Margaritis, A. Papanikolaou, A. Chrisovergis, L. Manolopoulos, I. Giotakis
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head & Nek Surgery, December 2011, Athens29. “Vestibular rehabilitation program in dizzy patients”
C. Nikitas, E. Margaritis, A. Papanikolaou, E. Kirodimos, A. Athanasiadis-Sismanis
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head & Nek Surgery, December 2011, Athens30. “Physical Therapy in vestibular system disorders. Our experience in everyday practice”
Seminar physiotherapist in G.N.A. Evangelism: Specialized physiotherapy intervention in ENT problems, April 2012, Athens31. “Larynx anatomy” Postgraduate ENT courses, February 2013, Athens
32. “Study of patients’ escorts satisfaction in hospital outpatient clinic hospital ”
Margaritis El, Katharakis M, Kampesis C Pizza A Rag A Doukelli S, M Tsakanikas
1st Crisis Management Conference on Health Sector, November 2013, Athens33. “Life quality study of patients with rhinitis in a special clinic”
Margaritis El, Tsiami X Katharakis M, Chrysovergis A, Dimitriou A Ieronymakis Mar, Kyrodimos,PapanikolaouV
17th National Panhellenic Congress of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, December 2013, Alexandroupolis34. «Side effects of local and systemic steroids»
Margaritis E.
25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, 32nd International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 22-26, 201435. “Case report ” Postgraduate ENT courses, , Athens
36. “Life quality study of patients with rhinitis in a special clinic”
Margaritis El, Pitsia A, Kampessis G, Kaltsos E, Trianti L, PapanikolaouV
2st Crisis Management Conference on Health Sector, November 2014, Athens37. “Cervical diseases in children”
Day conference, Pediatric Athens Medical Centre, June 2015, Athens38. “Side effects of nasal and systemic steroids”
Margaritis E, Kyrodimos E, Kikidis D, Trianti E, Georgalas C
18th National Panhellenic Congress of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery,
October 2015, Patras39. “Approach of patients with rhinology problems in a specific clinic”
Margaritis E, Potamianos S, Kousiouri K, Chrysovergis A, Papanikolaou V
18th National Panhellenic Congress of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery,
October 2015, Patras40. “Non allergic rhinitis- Conservative treatment and vidian neurectomy”
Endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery workshop, Ygeia Hospital
February 2016, Athens41. “Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening”
May 2016, Rea Hospital, Athens42. «Development of a national neonatal hearing screening program in Greece during crisis. A piece of hope and inspiration»
Chrysovergis A, Kikidis D, Kyrodimos E, Margaritis E, Xenellis I,
HEAL June 2016, Cernobbio- Lake Como, Italy43. “Neck paraganglioma or metastatic lymph node. There are similarities.Case report
Razou A, Potamianos S, Margaritis E, Kyrodimos E, Daskalopoulou D
23rd Panhellenic ENT seminar, 4-6 November, Volos44. “Nasal steroids- myths and reality”
Postgraduate ENT lesions, Hippokation Hospital, Athens, 29th November 2016CHAIRMAN
• “Meeting of postgraduate students: the new doctor at crossroad of decision”,
2nd congress of Medical Education, University of Athens, March 2006• “Basic life support and automatic external defibrillation”
Greek Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, March 2006• 28th Politzer Society Meeting
“General translational science-Vestibulogy”, “Cochlear implant & implantable devices”
September 2011LECTURER
Postgraduate Medical lectures
BLS course-European Resuscitation Council, March 2006
Resident lectures
Laryngeal Papillomatosis
EP3OS 2007
Role of surgery in limited (T1-2, N0-1) cancers of the Oropharynx, (Journal club)
Management and prognostic factors of recurrent pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland:
Personal experience and review of literature (Journal club)My Rhinology fellowship in Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam
Postgraduate Otolaryngology lectures
An interest case report in Rhinology, October 2011
Postgraduate Physiotherapy lectures
“Vestibular rehabilitation- Our experience in daily practice”
Physiotherapic intervention in ENT problems (Vestibular rehabilitation)
Physiotherapist Association, Evangelismos Hospital, April 2012Undergraduate Lectures
1. Otolaryngology undergraduate teaching
Medical School, University of Athens (since 2009)2. Otolaryngology undergraduate teaching
Dental School, University of Athens (since 2009)WORKSHOPS
1. “Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation”
Greek Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation2. “Encountering urgency in stadiums and bleachers”
First emergency seminar of Sports Medicine3. FESS workshop (plastic)
10th National-Panhellenic Congress of Rhinology, February 20104. 5th Seminar for ABR, ASSR, VEMP, OAE, EcochG, May 2010
5. FESS workshop (cadaveric)
11th National-Panhellenic Congress of Rhinology, February 20116. International course in Advanced Sinus Surgery Techniques
Academic Medical Centre of Amsterdam, March 20117. Practical workshop on ENG, Tympanometry, Audiometry, OAEs, ABR, ASSR
10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, May 20118. Audiology Day- Hearing Aids Workshop
10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, May 20119. CT as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in Rhinology
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Surgery, December 201110. Basic knowledge in radiology of temporal bone
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Surgery, December 201111. FNA in daily ENT routine
16th National Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Surgery, December 201112. Sleep apnea syndrome (diagnosis-treatment)
16th National-Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Surgery, December 201113. Temporal bone surgical dissection course
Hippokration Hospital, Athens University, March 201214. Courses on Clinical Trials, March-July 2012
Department of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Athens University Medical School
MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge, UK15. Endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery workshop, Ygeia Hospital
February 2016, Athens (6 credits points CME-CPD)SEMINARS-CONGRESSES
1. 6th Scientific conference of Greek medical students, May 2000
2. 22th National- panhellenic Congress of Surgery, November 2000
3. 7th Scientific conference of Greek medical students, April 2001
4. 27th Annual National-panhellenic Medical Congress 2001 (24 credits points CME- CPD )
5. 28 th Annual National-panhellenic Medical Congress 2002 (24 credits points CME- CPD )
6. Athenian days of Interventional Radiology
National and Kapodistrian university of Athens, May 2002, Athens7. 9th Scientific conference of Greek medical students, May 2003
8. 31th Annual National-panhellenic Medical Congress 2005 (24 credits points CME- CPD )
9. 40th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR)
Konya, Turkey, 25-28/ 5/ 200510. 13th National-Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Syrgery,
November 2005 (30 credits points CME- CPD)11. 1st Hellenic Congress and International Symposium of Greek college of Surgeons,
March 2006 (22 credits points CME- CPD)12. Symposium of respiratory inflammatory diseases, April 2006
13. 13th Cretan Medical Congress, Nov 2006 (21 credits points CME- CPD)
14. 25th National-panhellenic Congress of Surgery, Nov 2006, (27 credits points CME- CPD)
15. 33th Annual National-Panhellenic Medical Congress,May 2007 (24 credits points CME- CPD)
16. 2th Seminar of Hellenic Paediatric ENT Association “ Rhinosinusitis in children”, 2008
17. 3th Seminar “Progress in Otolaryngology”
ENT department, Hippokration Hospital, Athens University, April 200818. 34th Annual National-Panhellenic Medical Congress 2008 (27 credits points CME- CPD)
19. European conference on Pediatric anaesthesia,
September 2008 (2 Credits points CME- CPD)20. 9th National-Panhellenic Congress of Rhinology- 3th Hellenic Lavoratory Endoscopic Rhinosurgery-Rhinoplasty 2009, (12 credits points CME- CPD)
21. 3th International congress of Rhinology-Otology and Skull Base Surgery Current Concepts,
Μay 2009, Αθήνα22. 15th National-Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Syrgery,
October 2009 (24 credits points CME- CPD)23. New Hellenic Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association Seminar
“Surgery and complications of Chronic Otitis Media”, September 200924. 10th National Panhellenic Congress of Rhinology
Feb 2010 (24 credits points CME- CPD)25. 4th EHNS, European Conference on Head and Neck Oncology,
March 2010, (21 credits points CME- CPD)26. 20th Seminar of Otology-Audiology-Neurootology, 2010
27. 34th Annual National panhellenic Medical Congress 2010
28. 11th National Panhellenic Congress of Rhinology
Feb 2011 (12 credits points CME- CPD)29. New Hellenic Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association Seminar
“Larynx and Hypopharunx Cancer”, April 201130. 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation
May 2011 (15 credits points CME- CPD)31. 28th Politzer Society Meeting
September 2011 (24 credits points CME- CPD)32. 16th National-Panhellenic Congress of Otorynolaryngology –Head and Nek Surgery,
December 2011 (18 credits points CME- CPD)33. 12th National-Panhellenic Congress of Rhinology
Feb 2012 (8 credits points CME- CPD)34. Physiotherapic intervention in ENT problems (Vestibular rehabilitation)
Physiotherapist Association, Evangelismos Hospital
April 201235. Congress of New Greek Society of ENT-Head and Neck Surgery
and Hellenic Medical Society Otology-Audiology-Neurotology
” Guidelines in requent ENT diseases ENT”, November 201236. 1st Crisis Management Conference in Health Sector
November 2013, Athens37. 17th National- Panhellenic Congress of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery,
December 2013, Alexandroupolis (18 molecules of continuing medical education CME- CPD)38. 14th National-Panhellenic Rhinology Seminar, April 2014
39. 25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, 32nd International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose, (14 credits)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 22-26, 201440. Greek college general practitioners-working groups
Kalamata, 10-13 July 201441. 2nd Crisis Management conference in the Health Sector,
November 2014, Athens42. Geriatric winter school
December 2014, Vitina45. 14th National- Panhellenic Rhinology Seminar,
March 2015, Larisa (15 CME-CPD points)46. Greek GPs college seminar
May 2015, Killini47. Children Ent Conference, Pediatric Athens Medical Centre,
June 2015, Athens48. 18th National- Panhellenic Congress of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery,
October 2015, Patras (22 CME-CPD points)49. “ENT problems in children” National Panhellenic ENT children Society
December 2015, Athens (3 CME-CPD points)50. Seminal of Athens ENT-Head and neck surgery society
January 2016 Athens51. Greek GPs college seminar
April 2016, Lefkada52. Seminal of Hellenic Medical Society of Otology-Audiology-Neurotology
May 2016, Athens53. 26th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society (18 credits)
July 3-7, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden54. 1st Panhellenic congress of head and neck cancer
September 30-October 1st, Divani Palace Acropolis, Athens55. Seminal of Hellenic Medical Society of Otology-Audiology-Neurotology
October 2016, AthensFOREIGN LANGUAGES
• English (First Certificate of Cambridge)
• French (Certificat de Langue Française)
• Italian (moderate)
• Olympic Games, Athens 2004
• Special Olympics, Athens 2011
• Greek medecins du monde
• Marathon runner